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 News=> McDonald's Happy Meal Toy marketing insider
Date: [2013-11-12]    HITS: [9287]
    McDonald's toy to many is to represent the company image of the character, such as McDonald's hamburgers uncle as the main toy body, with different shapes. There are also some vehicles, aircraft, such as the animal
He types. Later with Disney cooperation launched its series of film theme toys, such as the lion king, the hunchback of Notre Dame. So far, a wider range of cooperation, and to the Japanese cartoon characters.
Toys for children not yet magic metaphor, through interesting toys as a selling point to attract children eyes, is very effective. Kids can no matter it is good, toy is a must.
, parents also had obediently to the money.
Now McDonald's toys more than the child like, many young people are also keen to collect. Why McDonald's Happy Meal toys that can be sought after young people?
The meal toys as gifts in toy stores, boutiques, but often do not receive attention even No one shows any interest in a package. After a part is magical fire, so that the young man at the body
To "eat" to...
From a market point of view, this is undoubtedly successful marketing. From the perspective of living, if the child is not surprising, but many college students so strange. Is a child playing continuity or vanity do?
Evil spirit?
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